Empowering cancer patients. Supporting family members and caregivers. Connecting health-care professionals. Educating the public. Enliven Centre for Self-Care told the Rotary Club of Huntsville-Lake of Bays in March that it has given itself a tall order.

A presentation by Joanne and Alex

Joanne McLean, co-founder and board chair of Enliven, with Alex Dussault, treasurer for Enliven and a member of our club, shared the origins of the new centre and its services. The centre says it provides pro-active self-care services, including programs, workshops and events, that support those who have been touched by cancer, including patients, survivors and caregivers, in positive, productive ways, while reducing social isolation. Information sessions, yoga workshops and art therapy are just some of the programs on offer.
Joanne said the centre wants to create a community that normalizes the conversation around cancer, while helping people deal with day-to-day life and encouraging them to become actively involved in their care.
The centre, she said, is not meant to duplicate programs that already exist in the community, such as those provided by Hospice Huntsville.
"It's about how you can live well, while living with disease," she said.
The not-for-profit volunteer organization is pursuing charitable status. Memberships are $50. And it is eager to attract benefactors.
A launch event featuring an expert panel is scheduled for June 27 at the Algonquin Theatre.
Find more information at enlivenmuskoka.ca.