Welcome! The Rotary Club of North Muskoka builds peace locally and internationally by supporting mental wellness, social equity, and environmental initiatives, with a focus on children, youth, and young adults. We meet Thursday mornings from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM. Come see what we're all about!
Our club, chartered in 2004, makes a difference in Huntsville and beyond. And we are always eager to meet prospective members.
Initiatives we support include but are not limited to:
- Helping Hungry Students hot lunch program at Huntsville High School
- Table Food Bank
- Salvation Army Huntsville Food Bank
- Huntsville Public Library TD Summer Reading Club
- RE:Action4Inclusion
- Simcoe-Muskoka Family Connexions Kids to Camp
- Muskoka Mind-Aid
- Hospice Huntsville grief support programs for children and youth
And we host several signature events that both raise funds for those causes and create community, such as:
- Huntsville Santa Claus Parade
- Santa's Light Up the Night Contest and Tour
- Rotary Book Sale
- Rotary PerogyFest
- Coffee, gift card, and handmade perogy sales
Club members also participate in hands-on projects, like Earth Day cleanups and the Huntsville Kids' Bike Rodeo.
We believe in fellowship, too, with members and their families gathering together for food, laughs, and camaraderie.
Interested in learning more or joining our Rotary breakfast club? Contact info@rotaryclubofnorthmuskoka.com.