Welcome to the Rotary Sensory Garden, located at Riverside Park in Huntsville, Ontario. The park was designed to engage each of the senses, allowing us to slow down in today’s busy world and nourish our mental health. We have made the garden as accessible as possible, with a smooth path and garden beds low enough for all individuals to enjoy. You can also find braille on the garden signs, so that those with low vision are able to determine which garden they are interacting with. There is a barefoot path to take off your shoes and interact with lots of different textures.

Come to the garden for a picnic and enjoy! 

Touch Garden

The Touch Garden is the first garden box you will pass in the garden. Find a variety of plants with unusual textures, including silver mound, ladies mantle, coreopsis and prairie smoke. 







image: Touch Garden Plants (Photo by Rotary Club of North Muskoka)

Taste Garden

The Taste Garden is a place where there are traditional edible plants. Edible flowers from nasturtium (bright orange), rhubarb, lovage, tomatoes, strawberries, lemon balm and sage are all present in the taste garden.




image: Taste Garden Plants (Photo by Rotary Club of North Muskoka)

Scent Garden
The Scent Garden is a place to engage your nose! Find thyme, lavender, rose and alyssum. Take a deep breath and enjoy the aromas at this garden box.
image: Scent Garden Plants (Photo by Rotary Club of North Muskoka)

Native Plant/Sound Garden

The Native Plant Garden is a place that we have dedicated to only plants that are native to 4b, which are essential for our pollinators! Find plants that were sourced at Hidden Habitat including wild bergamot and wild columbine. Other native plants sourced for the garden include cardinal flower, butterfly bush and blazing star. Currently the Sound Garden is paired with the Native Plant Garden, as you should be able to hear pollinators buzzing around! Stay tuned for future updates with the sound garden as more is in store!



image: Native Garden Plants (Photo by Rotary Club of North Muskoka)

Sight Garden
The Sight Garden is a place with unusual sights and colours! See large astilbe in the spring, followed by sea holly and globe thistles popping out in time for summer. Scottish bluebells and flame-like celosia are annuals that join the garden on a yearly basis. 
image: Sight Garden Plants (Photo by Rotary Club of North Muskoka)
Communication Board
The Communication is a place where individuals who are nonverbal can communicate about the sensory garden. It include symbols and contrasting colours to support people who have low vision and hearing disabilities. 
image: Communication Board (Photo by Rotary Club of North Muskoka)