Newest additions to our Rotary family


The governor, with assistance from our club membership chair, Jim S., officially welcomed our seven newest members to the Rotary family: Daniel, Jim P., Annie, Rob A., Geoff and Suzanne. Stacey was enjoying some sun and sand at the time of the ceremony, but we hope to welcome her with her new Rotary pin when she returns.
Each of the new members, who have already been contributing to their community through Rotary and their personal and professional lives, is now part of an international organization and can visit Rotary clubs as members anywhere in the world.
Want to learn more? Come visit us any time! Next week, April 27, we are hosting an evening Earth Day cleanup in Huntsville, in lieu of our regular morning meeting. Get in touch with a club member to learn more.

And not to be left out, here is Rotarian Stacey receiving her official welcome to the club from Rotarian Jim, our membership chair, following her return from sunny climes.